The book delves into concepts such as the importance of building the right narrative about life and the need for ritual in modern-day lifestyle.

This book endeavours to explore the main mantras used in the Sri Vidya tradition and understand them as the unfolding of Shakti, the inherent power which lies at the core of our being and holds the key to our worldly and spiritual success.
The Sacred Sounds of Sri Vidya

Our minds and beliefs can be our strongest allies or our worst enemies. The book delves into concepts such as the importance of building the right narrative about life and the need for ritual in modern-day lifestyle. Samskara, vritti and vasana are described along with a detailed study of tantra and Sri Vidya before a discussion on mantras in general and then focusing on the mantras used in the Sri Vidya tradition. The subjects covered seek to establish the context of mantra sadhana in Sri Vidya is to be approached, combining elements of knowledge, devotion and ritual.
We live in a time of deep insecurity, stuck in the midst of a feeling of scarcity, stress and self-limiting beliefs. This book offers everyone an opportunity to learn and experience the benefits of mantra sadhana of Sri Vidya and enjoy a life of abundance in all aspects of life – good health, meaningful relationships, success at work, peace and bliss in the spiritual path.

The author has kept in mind the sensibilities of the modern spiritual seeker and their needs and interests, presenting the information in a non-dogmatic and practical manner. This is the fourth book by the author in the Spirituality series. The first book was about the Sri Chakra Yantra, the second was about Chakras and the third was Tantra, Mantra and Yantra of Sri Vidya.